Evening With the Author
Elementary School Teachers and their respective classes, from around the world—Nantucket to Jakarta, Indonesia and places in between like this one Bismarck, Missouri have done some pretty cool stuff with the Mom’s Choice Gold Award TUCKEY THE NANTUCKET WHALE children’s books series. A fourth grade teacher Ms. Sandi Chamberlain is continuing this tradition—by starting A NIGHT WITH THE AUTHOR. There will be two zoom sessions a month with the author Captain Robert Cameron. Ms. Chamberlain’s intentions are to link the book studies to the school curriculum. There are five books in the series. She could use these books for reading, writing, social studies and science tieing into the school’s curriculum.
*Reading curriculum – students will develop and apply skills and strategies to comprehend, analyze, and evaluate fiction.
*Develop and demonstrate comprehension – reading skills to texts.
*Writing curriculum – students will gather, evaluate, and use information from a variety of texts.
Great stuff! Go Ms. Sandi Chamberlain & her class! Go Tuckey!